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Adaptation and Direction: Antigone, Connecticut Repertory Theatre 2021. Set Design Amber Convery, Lighting: Jacob Sikorski; Projections Chris Evans.
In response to the pandemic limitations to live performance Connecticut Repertory Theatre commissioned a new adaptation of Antigone which I developed for virtual performance in April of 2021.  Responding to the format of zoom productions previously offered, this production devised an innovative and technologically complex approach that brought live video feeds of actors from 10 different locations into the physical space of a thrust theatre. Actor's images and video projections were mixed via Watchout to large television monitors, a large rear projection screen and an additional "voil" front projection screen via three video projectors. These images were then re-mixed and delivered to the audience via a live video feed.
This approach also allowed for a stage design to ground the images into a physical space that included lighting design and a separate sound design feed that allowed sound effects, music and actor's voices to be properly balanced.
As the production did not employ OBS but rather mixed the video images into various digital locations live, a different and unique form of live performance emerged with both aesthetic and technological innovations.  Figures appeared as relatively crisp on some surfaces and at times in multiple locations simultaneously.  When projected onto the front "voil" they often floated, transluscent, and intermingled with images from behind.  This aesthetic brought the living images of actors into a physical space and connected the ancient characters from Sophocles' play into a contemporary space, both artistically and politically. The adaptation drove this process with original language that also evoked the rhythms of Athenian drama with contemporary implications.
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